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Get to know your old scholar community. Each month we'll introduce you to an old scholar so you can get better acquainted with your peers.

2 March 2023

Amy Marshall (1995) is a freelance producer and digital marketer. Amy has been part of the creative advertising industry for over 18 years and has worked on creative projects at a local, national and international level. She is currently working with Southstart on an event called the – an event that engages young people in Years 7-12 or tertiary education in a fun and fast-paced day of listening, learning, and doing.

What is your biggest career highlight?
I've had two that are on par! Quite a few years back I worked on a national commercial that required the creation of some pretty complicated hand shadow puppetry. I ended up reaching out to a performer from the Las Vegas Cirque du Soleil who agreed to give us tutorials over Zoom while we shot the commercial. That was fun! In the more recent past, I was involved in pre-production for a job where discussions involved meeting Scott Hicks. That was a real highlight!

The best advice I have ever been given was …
This is hard! Ok, ummm, one of the best people I ever worked with gave me this advice when I was starting to manage bigger teams and work with more people and personalities in pretty high stress situations. That everyone is different and you have to find ways to manage individual personalities that will bring the best work out of them. I've always remembered this and found that sometimes it can be a tweak in tone, a use of different words, more encouragement or less management ... but if you find that sweet spot where people you manage feel valued, the work will be great!

Who was your favourite teacher at Pembroke and why?
I have a seven year old girl who finished Year 1 late last year and her absolute worship of her amazing teacher constantly reminded me of some of the really early Junior School teachers I had! Mrs Gill (Reception) and Miss Thrower (Year 1) who I think became Mrs Greet? The Art teacher I had until Year 6, Miss Genoff!! I'm old.

What is something you are passionate about?
Now I'm further along in my career, I am really passionate about helping open doors and encouraging confidence in people newer to the industry. It's so rewarding watching really talented people develop their skills, passion and portfolio. And then there's also trashy TV. I'm embarrassingly passionate about that.

What do you do to relax?
I manage to fit in a walk almost every day. I'll listen to a Podcast (Smartless) or plan in my head wild travels. I find if I'm ever feeling work stress or wound up about something, I'm a lot more level headed by the time I walk back in the door.

If you could have coffee with anyone in the world, who would it be?
The truth is my best friends! The people in my life are really the ones that to me, are not only the most interesting, but they also keep me laughing, inspired, confident and grounded. What more could you ask for?!

Name a dish that reminds you of your childhood
Fricken' Tuna Mornay.

What is the biggest risk you have taken?
Leaving my job as a producer from an agency I loved to properly freelance and work on Create Crowd (my business).

Song you can listen to on repeat?
Central Reservation
by Beth Orton hasn't gotten old for me yet!

What is your go-to mood booster?
Hanging out with my awesome children who I am thrilled have a brilliant sense of humour. They can make me laugh like no one else!