In the present, your gift will have no impact on your lifestyle. But, by remembering Pembroke in your will you will be helping to provide opportunities for students and future generations, allowing the School to continue to prosper.
A bequest or planned gift can be made in a variety of ways to reflect your wishes including leaving assets such as bonds, property, valuable collections, fixed sums or a percentage of an estate. Planned gifts are usually given to the School for use at its discretion, however, may be directed to a specific area such as a particular academic discipline or to fund a scholarship or campus developments. Gifts without restriction are invested in the Pembroke Endowment fund supporting the School’s greatest needs and priorities into the future.
Whether endowed (with only the income earned from your gift used to support the School) or unrestricted, all monetary bequests are carefully managed by the sound governance of the Pembroke Foundation.
To start a confidential discussion or to request a copy of our bequest brochure, please contact
As a famÂiÂly includÂing curÂrent stuÂdents, an old scholÂar and a staff memÂber, we greatÂly valÂue the influÂence that PemÂbroke School has had on our lives and the greater comÂmuÂniÂty. The thought of being able to give someÂthing back for future genÂerÂaÂtions so the School can conÂtinÂue to thrive has led us to parÂticÂiÂpate in the bequest proÂgram. By deferÂring the payÂment of our gift to the end of our lives we can make a meanÂingÂful conÂtriÂbuÂtion to the School but withÂout impactÂing our curÂrent finanÂcial comÂmitÂments to our young family.
Get in touch
For more information or to let us know your plans, please complete this form and a member of our team will contact you.