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ÐÓ°É launched its new E-Program on Wednesday 1 April to provide a flexible mode of teaching and learning, and to continue meeting the educational and social-emotional needs of all students during COVID-19 restrictions.

16 April 2020

The E-Program supports the safety and welfare of the Pembroke community when COVID-19 restrictions require a more flexible mode of teaching and learning delivery.

While we are delighted that our face-to-face teaching program will resume on 4 May, Pembroke is proud of its E-Program and what has been achieved by staff, students and parents in a relatively short time frame.

Pembroke’s E-Program provides a modified timetable of classes, tasks and online activities across the Junior, Middle and Senior School curriculum. Well over 200 Middle and Senior School classes are taught live every day in our E-Program, and our Junior School students have a mix of online contact with their teachers and peers, as well as a range of pre-recorded and pre-prepared activities to engage with. Students who are part of our Learning Support program continue, wherever possible, to receive Learning Support in our E-Program. A Middle School assembly with over 550 logins was a highlight of the last week of Term 1 and something that, even a few weeks earlier, we wouldn’t have imagined possible! Pembroke’s online learning management system supports the new mode of delivery extremely well, in addition to video-conferencing software.

Our E-Program provides students with connection to people and place, collaboration with staff and peers, purposeful and relevant content/skill development, and certainty through regular, timetabled interactions with the Pembroke community.

Our students shared the following feedback after week 1 of the E-Program:

I like that the flu­en­cy of learn­ing has­n’t been com­pro­mised as a result of tran­si­tion­ing to an E‑Program.

Trove [Pembroke’s online learn­ing man­age­ment sys­tem] is amaz­ing, it has allowed the imple­men­ta­tion of many dif­fer­ent fea­tures, such as the blog, zoom link and forum. All of these are very use­ful and have helped me tran­si­tion to the E‑Program.

It’s a great way to see people’s faces and con­nect while we’re at home!

I like that the E‑Program match­es the qual­i­ty of the usu­al edu­ca­tion we receive at School.

We have enjoyed keeping our community updated with highlights from our E-Program on our website and – scroll down to see some snippets from the brave new world of online learning!

Pembroke Concert Choir traditionally sings In Flanders Fields as part of our annual ANZAC service. This year, we honour those who have served and are serving in our armed forces by sharing this song with our community as part of Pembroke’s E-Program:

E Program Still Chemistry

Year 12 Chemistry